Friday 24 April 2020


We all grow up and the time comes when we have to go to niversity. Some people might say that it s better to live in a residence or a flat with other students while you are studying but is this true?

On the one hand, f you live in your home, you don’t have to pay the flat or the residence every month. In addition, if you stay at home, you can see  your family more and stay with them when you want. You will feel more and more comfortable because you will be in your own home.
On the other hand, if you live in a residence or in a flat, you will have more freedom and you will learn to mature since you will not have your mother to do everything for you and tell you what to do. Furthemore, i believe that if you live with other students that are learning the same as you, you can help each other.

In conclusion, it seems to me that the best option is to live in your house because the most important thing is your family and I think that we have to spend the time that we can with the people that we love. Moreover, university is very expensive and if you live in ANother place, you have to pay too.

Niño de dibujos animados leyendo un libro con pila de libros ...


When we meet somebody, the first that we see is the appearance and we can do an idea of how is this person is but, is this well done? In my opinion,  this is not a good idea because your appearance doesn’t define your personality or your character.

In my view, we can’t judge others by their physical appearance since what matters is the heart and not the way they look. Secondly, the appearance doesn’t influence your character but shows how you feel.
I believe that maybe the way you look reflects your tastes and your social status and obviously this isn’t a reason to judge somebody. Personally, I don't think we should do this because we wouldn’t like to be judged by our appearance.

In conclusion, as I see it, we shouldn’t judge others because we don’t know who is a person is until we meet her. As a consequence of doing it, we can only make people feel bad and I think that eerybodys different and this is what makes us unique.

La apariencia importa?

Tuesday 21 April 2020


Nowadays there are a lot of people in the world that shop online and some people might say that it is the best option and others might argue that going to stores is better but, who is right?

On the one hand, if you need something and you can’t go to the store, shopping online is the best option because you don’t need to move. Moreover, probably you have more products in an online store than in a real store, that's why you can find a wide range of food, clothes, etc. Also, while you are shopping online, you can do more things at the same time for example, listening to music.
On the other hand, if we go to the store, you have the option to go walking and do sport. More and more, in a real store you can see the products face to face and decide if you like them. In addition, if you go to a store, you socialize with more people.

In conclusion, there will always be people who prefer shopping online and people who prefer going to stores because the two options are good but, I believe that it is healthier to go walking to the stores although shopping online is more comfortable.

Tiendas físicas vs. tiendas online: ¿cuál es el mejor lugar para ... 



Some people might say that all the news that we read are real but, I believe that the morphing technology makes this statement false. It seems to me that if this technology advances, in the future we won't know what is real and what is not in news agencies.

On the one hand, if we use this morphing technology, we can’t never know what is happening in the world because all might be false. Furthemore, If people discover fake news in the news agencies, in the future they will stop trusting the media. More and more, we would be living in a world of lies.
On the other hand, it’s true that the media gives us what we want to listen and if they use morphing technology, they can manipulate us more easly. In addition, this technology might help them to get our trust. Although, they would really be cheating on us.

To sum up the morphing technology will be harmful or not for news agencies and the trust in the media, it all depends on how they use it. I think that to avoid negative consequences, the morphing technology should be banned. 

Just how important Technology is to Customer Service in Today's ...

Wednesday 1 April 2020


                                                                                                     24 Kenton Road
                                                                                                      8th May, 1840

Bletchley Park
The Mansion
United Kingdom
Milton Keynes MK3 6EB

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing in response to the job. I would like to apply for the position of code-breaker. 
I am 28 years old and I have studied Maths. I think that I have all the qualities for this job: I know how to keep a secret and obviously, I am good at languages. In addition, I recently completed an English master. My work experience includes: teacher of Maths at University for five years and also, I have participated as a editor in a publishing house as a hobby in my free time since I was 17 years old.
In addition, I am a hard-working and a very responsible person. I take my job very seriously.

I hope you will consider it. If you hire me you won't regret it.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,


Los secretos más "sucios" del trabajo en una agencia de relaciones ...


In the world, there are a lot of common languages but also, there are a lot that aren't so common. For example, Esperanto. There are a lot of people that think that it should  change because IT is idealistic but impossible.

It is very difficult to impose a new international language when almost nobody speaks this langauge. It's important that if we declare this language as a ,linguafranca nobody would use it. In addition, schools should have teachers of this language and I think that there are more schools than people that speak Esperanto
Fortunatelly, this language is easy to learn and if we start, many years from now, it could be a common and international language. This is convenient because if we have more common and international languages, it is easier to talk to somebody

In my opinion, I think that it is a good idea to start learning Esperanto little by little and the situation could be improved by the help of experts.

Esperanto: breve historia del idioma común para la Tierra... y su ...


The first time that I did English, I was very scared because it was the first time that I was beginning to learn a new language. It all began when hen I started first grade in my school. When I started, I realized that for me, It would be a difficult subject.

A week after, the teacher told us that we had to learn the alphabet. Next, she put songs for us to remember them.
Years later, while I was doing the homework, I decided to learn English my way and do the things that I thought could help me. The first that I needed was to be eager to learn, and this is the most important. Before I knew it I started to listen to English songs with the lyrics to try to understand what they meant, and this is really a fact that has helped me. 
Now, as soon as I can, I watch a film or a series in English with subtitles (also in English) to get used to listening to this language.
But, before this, when I was younger,  I was trying to play computer games in English and look up the words that I didn’t understand.
Last summer, I started to watch “Friends” in English and without subtitles. I think that for me it is better that way because you force your mind to try to understand what they are saying.
Now I spend all the night singing songs in English to practise speaking. During this, again I try to understand the meaning of the song, for me, the best option is rap because it is the most difficult to understand, and if you know what this song means, you can understand the other.

At last I think that there are a lot of factors that can help us to learn a new language and it depends on the person. Meanwhile, we are learning, the most important is to find a way that will entertain us and work.

English My Way on Twitter: "So many cuts to FE - ESOL has lost ...


Hi everybody,
Sorry I haven't written for so long but I was thinking about how my view has changed. Today, in my blog entry, I’m going to talk about how my views on love-locks have changed. these objects seem to be inoffensive but this is not true.

First of all, the first time that I heard about this, I was very happy to be able to try it in Paris because I strongly believe that this was a beautiful thing to do with my boyfriend. Unfortunatelly, this is not true. Over the years, I have noticed that these objects might be very dangerous for monuments and for people. 
Now, clearly I think that  it is  not a good option. As I see it, only one minor sector of the society has benefits with love-locks and this doesn’t compensate the damages that this object can do.
As a consequence of putting one love-lock in the bridge and postingin my blogg years ago, a lot of people have done the same and now, the bridges are collapsed. Personally, I think that it’s my fault. 

And that's all for now, I hope that with my change of view, yours have changed too.


Love lock - Wikipedia
Añadir leyenda


Recently, it has been an increase in the number of love-locks in bridges or in other monuments. Every time there are more and more. Some people might say that these objects are the product of many people in love, and this is romantic, but is this completly true

On the one hand, i believe that love-locks are for many people, on way to show the love for another person and obviously this is very romantic. Moreover, when people put these objects in bridges, XXX they don’t think that it could be a menace. They only think about doing a beautiful thing with the person that they love.
But, on the other hand, the weight that bridges have and other monuments with these love-locks is unveliable. Although these buildings have some pillars that support them, the weight of the locks can collapse them. In addition, I think that there are more ways to show the love to people that aren’t a menace.

In conclusion, it seems to me that people don’t hang objects to harm monuments but the best option is, banning these love-locks and find other nice ways to tell somebody: I love you. 

Free Your Love. Save Our Bridges. | NO LOVE LOCKS™