Tuesday, 21 April 2020


Nowadays there are a lot of people in the world that shop online and some people might say that it is the best option and others might argue that going to stores is better but, who is right?

On the one hand, if you need something and you can’t go to the store, shopping online is the best option because you don’t need to move. Moreover, probably you have more products in an online store than in a real store, that's why you can find a wide range of food, clothes, etc. Also, while you are shopping online, you can do more things at the same time for example, listening to music.
On the other hand, if we go to the store, you have the option to go walking and do sport. More and more, in a real store you can see the products face to face and decide if you like them. In addition, if you go to a store, you socialize with more people.

In conclusion, there will always be people who prefer shopping online and people who prefer going to stores because the two options are good but, I believe that it is healthier to go walking to the stores although shopping online is more comfortable.

Tiendas físicas vs. tiendas online: ¿cuál es el mejor lugar para ... 

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